Daily Reminders to get US Through a Tough Time
We are all experiencing some really tough times at the moment. It probably isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last. So we thought we would share some things that have and are helping us. And to remember sometimes you just have to take it one day at a time.
- Self-care – how or what are you doing to taking care of your self? This could be a bubble bath; 30mins of meditation; maybe even reading a chapter from a book. Whatever it is make sure that you have a set time just for you!
- Exercise – what are you doing to relieve stress? To release endorphins? 20-30mins, 4-5days a week can be enough physical activity to reframe your day and help de-clutter the mind.
- Fresh air – this is not the easiest of tasks for a lot of us. But, if you have outdoor space, use it. If all you have are windows, open them. Spring and warmer weather are just around the corner and getting some fresh air can freshen what feels like a stale living space. And the sound of a breeze and birds chirping can help lift your spirits.
- Connecting – who have you reached out to lately? In a world where we are being asked to keep our distance from friends and loved ones connecting can feel difficult. But we are social creatures by nature, so don’t forget to make a call, FaceTime, text, or even send an email.
- It’s ok – it is ok not to get dressed, it is ok if the kids have a second helping of ice cream, or that the housework doesn’t get done, or homework isn’t completed, or to just wing it. So long as tomorrow you do better than you did the day before. This is a new norm and we can’t be too hard on ourselves!
- Gratefulness – starting or ending each day with a simple question of what are we grateful for is a small reminder that not everything is lost.
When this is all over I hope that there are some things that we never take for granted. Like …
- Conversations with loved ones
- Celebrating holidays, birthdays, weddings and the likes with friends and family
- Going to concerts, ball games, parks and everything in between
- Drinks and dinners with friends
- Warm embraces
- Life itself